We have in December 2022 started a poll, to find out about your wishes for the FabLab Bruchsal. The survey ran until the end of January and meanwhile we have gone through the submissions and discussed them in a board meeting, how and what we can implement.
The first two questions concerned opening hours. Many were unhappy, that both appointments – the members' evening and the public regulars' table – were on Friday night. Saturday afternoon was chosen with an overwhelming majority for a new date. at, the us about Twitter, Facebook or in ours Telegram-follow channel, already know, that we could implement this request immediately. At the same time, we will be open twice as often for our members. The following dates apply with immediate effect:
- members evening: every Friday from 20 p.m. until approx. midnight
- Public table: every second Saturday from 16 to 20 o Clock
You can find the new dates here.
The third question related to our equipment. There was a head-to-head race between a laser cutter and a CNC milling machine. In the end, the laser cutter had one more point. We expected this result and contacted the FabLab Karlsruhe in December, to possibly. her old laser cutter, the “Lasersaur”, to be able to take over. At the same time, we also have one fundraiser started, to be able to finance the laser cutter. A total of over €800 in donations was collected. At this point, a big thank you to everyone, who have donated.
We would like to say a special thank you to the FabLab Karlsruhe express, who gave us massive support, and offered us the laser cutter at a very reasonable price!
And now for the good news: the laser cutter has arrived at the FabLab! We still have to bring it up to speed, 1-2 renew parts, clean up, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.

questions no. 4 and 5 wanted to know, whether you would like to do workshops with us and if so, which ones. The most mentioned workshop (Modeling with Blender) surprised us a bit. We expected the soldering course or the 3D printing basic course to come first. We try our best to design a Blender course, but we can't promise anything at the moment. other courses or. Theme nights are also in preparation. Keep an eye out for the announcements on our social media channels (see below in the menu “The Union”).
The remaining questions were of a more general nature. We received a very positive reception here, that most of the replies came from non-members. Hopefully we will also see these people in the FabLab and maybe. can win as a member.
In the last free text field, a wish confused us a bit. We pondered this for a while, what the author meant by that, a “Electronics vending machines” to provide. In the lab we have many different electronic components in stock, that can be used by members. If we didn't have something right there, feel free to write to us and we will do our best, to get it (if it is of interest to the general public).
Last but not least, we would like to thank all survey participants and hope so, that we can offer you something more through this survey!