The laser beam burns through a sheet of plexi glass quickly and precisely cutting out a visor pane. Next to it is a 3D printer, of such an incubator looks. In it, just the frame is created, in which the plastic disc is clamped later. Then only a perforated strip of rubber must be attached to the frame, its length can be adjusted depending on head size. Shortly thereafter continues Lukas Wingerberg the finished visor on his head. "Behelfsgesichtsschild" is the product officially. his club FabLab Bruchsal is it for today HubWerk01 for the fight against the spread of the coronavirus' ago. The term "FabLab" comes from manufacturing laboratory: The members of the club meet regularly to common tinkering and developing an open workshop in HubWerk01.

The FabLab distributes the finished shields free of charge to clinics, doctors and Rescue services in the region. There they serve as complement the personal Corona protection. The visor is worn in addition to respirators. It helps, medical staff and volunteers with direct contact to Corona patients to better protect against airborne infection in the facial area.

The idea, make shields for the fight against Corona, was only last weekend. Wingerberg learned of nationwide calling "Maker vs. Virus“ (analogous: Tinkerers against the virus) a Hessian FabLabs. "The thing I had no rest, I called a few of my team-mate, and off we went ", reported Wingerberg. today, a hundred hours later, are the first 225 shields already delivered, orders for 500 more are, and permanent new jobs will be a.
The promotion will run on a voluntary basis. The FabLab advertises only for donations for the procurement of the required consumables. The production of 50 volunteers supported. "These are people, Pforzheim to Biblis, the home printer 3D on their private components finished ", explains Wingerberg. In HubWerk01 the parts are then assembled.

Among the first customers today counted Cornelius Philipp. The dentist from Rettigheim took five shields with, will carry the he and his office staff immediately. In addition, the FabLab already supplies clinics in Karlsruhe and Heidelberg and in the space between Bretten and Philippsburg local branches of the Maltese and the German Red Cross, GPs, dentists, Caritas and welfare centers. The FabLab only supplies to institutions of medical or. critical infrastructure - and relies on direct sales. "We want to know exactly, where the masks are used ", explains Wingerberg. Requests from Internet retailers are not served, to avoid abuse and price gouging.
„The HubWerk01 is for us the perfect base of operations“, so Wingerberg. „Here we have everything, what it needs for production and assembly: powerful machines, Garages as storage and support from the Hub Management“. The digitization center in TRIWO Technopark Bruchsal participates in the action, by made spaces and machinery and organizational assistance free of charge.
The other partners are volunteers on board: The resident also in HubWerk01 Innovation Service Tech-Solute care free of charge to use the laser cutter. The Company Gameforge, one of the largest makers of computer games based in Karlsruhe 300 employees, provides two 3D printers available. And the neighboring tinkerers Club, the FabLab in Karlsruhe slaughterhouse, printed components for final assembly in HubWerk01.
Why lie Wingerberg and his colleagues in their spare time so to the wheel? „We want to show, that the FabLab scene can make a valuable contribution to our society, that equipment such as 3D printers can use all for the benefit“, so Wingerberg. „I think it's just mega, that as soon as many people have agreed to participate. This spurs us. If it needs to be, we can to 230 produce shields day!“
Contact Person:
FabLab Bruchsal e.V. i.G.
Lukas Wingerberg, Board
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 2-6 76646 Bruchsal
E-mail: presse@fablab-bruchsal.de
Homepage: www.fablab-bruchsal.de
HubWerk01 - Digital Hub Region Bruchsal e. V.
Stefan Huber, Board
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 2-6, 76646 Bruchsal
Tel.: 07251 93256-10
E-mail: stefan.huber@hubwerk01.de
Homepage: www.hubwerk01.de